Everyday People Helping to Fight the Homeless Crisis During the Pandemic
Everyday People Helping to Fight the Homeless Crisis During the Pandemic
Precious Dreams Foundation

New York’s Precious Dreams Foundation has expanded dramatically since Nicole Russell, co-founder and Executive Director of the non-profit, started it alongside Angie Medina in 2012 as a way to provide comfort tools and bedtime essentials for children in the foster care system. “About six months after our launch, I was introduced to someone at NYC Department of Homeless Services and became aware of the needs of children experiencing housing insecurities,” she notes. “It was immediately apparent that my calling was to extend our services to help these children as well.”

The Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing measures led Russell and her team to get creative in their efforts, but the Precious Dreams Foundation kept its mission in mind: to give kids comfort during challenging times. “As most states placed a hold on events, we pivoted our approach to deliver curbside comfort bags,” Russell explains. “It’s as simple as it sounds and it’s our way of telling each child ‘everything is going to be okay.’ Our comfort bags include brand new coping tools such as journals, books, plush toys, blankets, activity books and stress balls.”

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